Actividades anexas al transporte
Productos y servicios
Agencia de transportes.
Actividades anexas al transporte terrestre
Otras actividades anexas al transporte
Actividades anexas al transporte terrestre
Otras actividades anexas al transporte
Service activities to land transportation
Other transportation support activities
The company is a privately held company engaged in freight transport by road. The company was incorporated in May of 2001. The registered head office of the company is located in Balaguer, Spain. The company specializes in the provision of trucking and courier services. It is also involved in the provision of warehousing services of general freight, general freight long-distance truckload trucking, specialized freight trucking, and local general freight trucking services. Lastly, the company is active in arranging transportation of freight between shippers and carriers, and providing support activities for road transportation and water transportation. It primarily offers its services to customers in Spain.